
A podcast about the books you've been meaning to read. Updates Mondays.

Overdue is a podcast about the books you've been meaning to read. Join Andrew and Craig each week as they tackle a new title from their backlog. Classic literature, obscure plays, goofy murder mysteries: they'll read it all, one overdue book at a time.


Ep 612 - Cackle, by Rachel Harrison

Welcome to Spooktober 2023! 

We've all been through a bad break-up, right? We've all moved away to start fresh, we've all started a new job, we've all befriended witchy spider-ladies and felt a strange new power growing within us. Right? Tale as old as time. 

We're joined this week by Natasha from the UNspoiled! podcast family, hear more of her work at unspoiledpodcast.com

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Sand By Me: Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman - Books 7 and 8

Welcome to our current show-within-a-show! We're working our way through Neil Gaiman's signature graphic novel series THE SANDMAN. Some Patreon supporters get these episodes monthly, but every two months we'll combine them for general consumption.

In Episode 7: BRIEF LIVES, Gaiman digs deep into the concept of lifetimes while following Delirium and Dream on a quest to find their missing brother. 

In Episode 8: WORLD'S END,  a reality storm leaves people from multiple worlds stranded at a cozy free house. They swap tales to pass the timey-wimey time until an Existence Shattering Event passes by and they can all leave. This collection is most notable for the distinct art styles within each issue, including whatever the hell Boss Smiley is. #vote4prez

Find out more about how to get these episodes monthly at patreon.com/overduepod.

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Ep 610 - Moneyball, by Michael Lewis (Bonus Episode)

It's time to talk about market efficiencies in popular non-fiction aka the work of Michael Lewis. Specifically, we're chatting about his 2003 book MONEYBALL, which chronicles the work of Billy Beane to optimize the Oakland A's despite his owners not wanting to spend real money. 

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Ep 609 - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, by Hunter S. Thompson (w/ Strong Sense of Place)

This "Savage Journey into the Heart of the American Dream" is a landmark of Gonzo journalism, a sensational writing style of which Thompson is the OG. Thankfully, we did not have to journey to Las Vegas on our own. We're joined this week by Mel and Dave from Strong Sense of Place, a website and podcast dedicated to literary travel and books we love.

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Ep 608 - I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak

What if you got playing cards in the mail? Playing cards that told you to help random people in your community? Would you do it? Could you do it? What does "helping" mean? And who is even sending these cards?? We answer MOST of these questions as we discuss Markus Zusak's The Messenger (aka I Am the Messenger).

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Ep 606 - Where Are The Children? by Mary Higgins Clark

It's time to meet the Queen of Suspense! To kick off her reign, Mary Higgins Clark spins a tale about a wrongfully accused woman trying to reinvent herself — only to be nearly caught by the monster she thought she'd left behind. It's more thrilling than mysterious, so it shouldn't be a surprise that we DO get an answer to the novel's titular question.

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